Site full of glitches

Ones i have noticed so far are:\

On 'chat' if i am talking to more than one person at a time the contacts get stacked behind each other rather than along the bottom.

My 'Notifications' bar keeps telling me that i have a new private message when i dont.

Threads seem to be missing posts, I.e it says it has had 2 replys but there are none when you look at the thread.

James, i guess this is something to do with the new 'something or other'... is it looking to get fixed soon?
The password changing mechanism was playing silly ######s last night. Kept taking you to the wrong page and stuff like that :eek:.
I second that, also i posted in my 'mintyfresh k11' blog and it showed up on the main screen as a 'new post' but then in blogs it's still on the second page without my new post? And chat no longer seems to work on my phone.
Edit: My post has appeared now!?
As said in other thread it's very slow, posting replies is taking forever too.
For people who are not getting new posts show up properly, refresh the page and it'll come up, it's a caching problem. I think the admin said he sorted it on the server, so try wiping your cache and see if that sorts it for you.