Scrap yard hunt (south)


If it aint Jap its Crap!
I'm lookin for big well stocked scrap yards near Southampton and Portsmouth... Tomorrow will be a mission!

K K K K Kamarley!!
I thought the one down your way was pretty big - silverlake is it? I'm sure there's one in Pompey, cant remember what it is called, there's Harris Yard in Havant, but thats pretty small and Sussex recovery/Vehicle dismantlers in Fontwell (on the A27 between Chichester and Arundel)

Oh and this.

Oh, meant to reply to your text, but it's easier to type on the computer.
It's cool mark, I'm planning on going down to Harris tomorrow do you think it worth it?? I'm after possible micra bits but more importantly mk5 golf parts

K K K K Kamarley!!