Rear window removal

How easy is it to remove the rear glass on these cars?
Do you need special tools?
G/f's Micra Vibe has a tiny bit of rust and wants it sorting.
with a hammer lol

no seirously take the rubber off carefully and try get a hole into the mastic that is holding the screen in place and then try getting some cheese wire ir something through the hole and then cut it slowly mate
easier to get a new hatch really


if not then you have to push the wire through the bonding at the bottom then pull it through and push it through the bonding at the top, wrap the wire around something on both sides and work away at it, just be careful or the glass is a goner
Its only a small amount of rust at the bottom, water seems to have got into
the rubber seal through a small gap and caused some rust, about the size of a 10p piece to appear. To cure it properly needs the screen out.
Might just leave it, its not my car LOL