Pics of lowering

Hey guys im wondering since i cant find 60 mm springs anywhere! i know somebody sells them i cant remember the name but im pretty sure the sights down and the corsa coilovers are too much effort for a simple mind like mine, so im wondering if anyone has any pics of their micra(s) lowered on 35 - 40 mm springs? (and 15" wheels(if possible) ;)) just so i can get a rough idea of how low it shall be. Also if anyone has any links to k11 50 or 60 mm springs link me please! many thanks chris
Coilovers are a waste of money unless you're spending 2k + ...

If you're expecting to get sports car handling from £800 pogo stick's, i'd steer clear..

Beside's you can get a good shock and spring setup that will outdoo most if not all coilies you can get for the micra..

But if its just 'style' you want, i guess there's nothing wrong with using them coilovers.

You'll just feel like you're driving a micra with cut springs..
without the worry of losing a spring around a sharp bend or w/e
My Old car was around a 50 - 60mm drop
