OOPS my bad hahahaha


Fusion Motorsport
MSC Founder
Official MSC Trader
OI WHERES MY POSTS GONE haha. Hmm well the server got too loaded whilst were were making some changed eariler today, the database server driving the site crashed and currupted its data. So we have had to revert back to a back up (yes we take these every 6 hours now and have 2 days worth kept just to be on the safe side) and restored it to normal, so sorry all there are no posts on here since 6pm!!!

It could be worse imagine there were NO backups!!!!!

NOOOOOOOOOO, sod the posts, i got 665 on kill the popup's arcade game.. do you know how long it took to get that!! Arghhhhhh, Not happy..
lol nice 1 Ed I'm now back as pop up champion!

unlucky!!!!! Arnold!

damn, i thought i'd get another chance of beating Kev at pool. but i messed up again :down:
actually you cheating little Arnold I had the top tetris score and just beat Ed, but I'll have back my pop up score thank you please.............carry on! lol

hehe, ok i didnt get the tetris one but that popup one is definitly mine....!!! or was..
lol! you cheating little bleeder! how comes Arnold's pop up score is back ( btw your welcome to it, lol not doing that agin) and your still the Tetris champion, you know I beat you!!! :p

My pop score came back as im not spending 20 minutes doing that again!! that really was hell in a 'video game'

Anyway, people in high places fixed that for me :) but i dont think you'l get super admin to change the tetris scores!