Newbie :D

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Hey all at MSC. New to the whole micra scene. Only got interested because i saw a video on youtube and msgd the author. Pretty nice car btw :p

Im intrested in a micra project but i want something fast. So maybe an engine conversion in in order :p

Hope you all welcome me and i may buy a micra soon :)

Many thanks Liam-
Cheers mate, looks pretty busy on here...

Can anyone tell me what the best micra is to get? I saw a micra turbo but thought about dropping an engine in a old one...

ok cheers, anyone give me a rough price to pay for one of these? As im carless and jobless atm so need to get ajob and get a decent car to get there and back etc.
ok so how much you reckon the insurance would be on this SR micra then?

Im 19 with a pass plus, had my licence of over a year now...

Can you also get me a link to a pic of one so i know what im lookin for and what model/series it is please? Dont forger i dont know a thing about micras lol.
can anyone provide me with a REG plate for a micra SR so it auto finds one please?

ok done a quote on a micra and got £1040.47 TPFT.

This good? LOL!?
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