more bhp


Ex. Club Member
i was speekin 2 a mate the day who nos alot bout cars an he was sayin in his bluebird an most other nissians theres a pipe ( not sure what pipe ) but theres 2 of them an u pull one out an stick a screw in the end an it gives u some extra BHP?

can this work? not gona try it but just wondering.
thanx 4 any help
yep thats right.

in the bluebird is a SR20DET engine the same as in the 200SX S14/A there is a ristricter valve that you remove that give you more power

If you put BOV on you have to block the resirc pipe up that feed from the resirc and it give you a pigeon noise wne you change gear etc.
micra_k11 said:
is this pipe in k11s aswell?
yeah its right next to the button on the dash that says "+20bhp".
no not really k11 are not turbo, you cant just instantly give them more power from switching something.