MA12 conversions & speedos

Take them out
Scan them in retaining the original size (100% of original)
Edit the colours, add graphics, change fonts etc
Print off
Yep! If your sticking them on top of the black ones then standard paper should be fine. A thinner GSM i believe its called would probably be better
At first I was a bit bemused by the constant posts, but I have to say - nice job! It looks very good.
Believe it or not, the whole Speedo ect, is lit up with only the 3 led's installed at the top!
No Flash used though the camera, nor is they’re a backlight, they are all removed...

Hehe, Nismo speedo & clock, that's got to be a new one! :D Nice work though, they look sweet!

James/Ed what's this convertor gizmo, how much, where from etc, that would sort me out nicely cheers. :)