
Wanting to lower my K11 1.3i .. just wondering whats the most I could lower it without having to modify anything else like the arches.. 60, 80, 100ml? im new to all this (first car) so help would be appreciated!

Also what springs would you people recommend? :grinning:
Depends on your tyres and wheels.

-35mm is common and works with a vast majority of suitable wheels. -50mm is ok for stock wheels and alot of others, you may have a little problem if you go too big, and you may need to modify the panhard rod too. Mine's about -100mm give or take, and that is fine on stock but only a select few tyres will work if I go wider.
ah okay thanks. im looking to put 13" alloys on or mini wheels, with spacers.. so thats another thing to take into account. im looking at 80mm as my brother has that on his corsa B and i like the height.
