K11 into gokart


Ex. Club Member
well buggy is probably a better description

l have bought an accident damaged micra that l want to turn into an offroad buggy, l know my way round a car but not ever having had a micra before l might need some help/guidance along the way with specific items,

first is the alarm system, Nats, l have what looks like a chipped key to me so l guess l have nats ?


l cant see a control box for this so is it inbuilt into the engine ecu ?

does the key need to be in close proximity to a reciever usually round the ign switch if so can l just tape the key to the reciever and forget about the alarm ? just using a push button to start the engine,

how does the alarm communicate with the outside world ?, is it this little red LED on the heater control panel ?
or is that the aircon on indicator light.

this l would guess is the engine ecu with the one under it being for the cvt autobox ?


and the control box nearer the gear stick with the yellow plug is the air bag controler is it ?


l have been uncoventional in the way l am removing the engine as l have used an angle grinder, a lot,



l am planning on cutting the car in half next just behind the bulkhead with the intention of being able to start and run the engine as it is still in the half a car untill l have weeded out of the loom everywire that l dont need,
will have to add a fuel tank of course,

l have a haynes manual for the wiring but it seems sadly lacking are there any wiring diagrams that are downloadable or any where on this site ?

thanks Andy
the alarm system is NATS (immobiliser) theres a transponder ring around the IGN barrel so yes you should get away with taping the key and using a start button, or just slide the red casing out the key and tape the chip to the transponder but then youve got the steering lock to deal with/remove. the red light flashes when key is out, (To be honest it doesnt do anything) yes thats the ecu and i cant see one under it but the one in front is for airbag, regarding wiring diagrams theres some out there for ecu pinouts but for the whole car ive not seen........
the alarm system is NATS (immobiliser) theres a transponder ring around the IGN barrel so yes you should get away with taping the key and using a start button, or just slide the red casing out the key and tape the chip to the transponder but then youve got the steering lock to deal with/remove. the red light flashes when key is out, (To be honest it doesnt do anything) yes thats the ecu and i cant see one under it but the one in front is for airbag, regarding wiring diagrams theres some out there for ecu pinouts but for the whole car ive not seen........

Hi thanks Stani

any idea where l might find these ecu pinouts ?

l have stripped all the dash out and have been following the wiring trying to make sense of it, the haynes manual is abouts as much use as t!ts on a nun, nothing matches and is a typical layout,

l got lots of black boxes that l dont seem to need

some sort of keyless entry control, binned

dont know what this one does but l know it dosent stop the engine starting so thats binned as well

found out what a couple of the relays do so they can stay for the moment


superlock controler ??, again unplugging it dosent stop the engine from starting


any ideas on this one ? does it just regester when the key is in the ign ? if so what for


and the NATS 4 , seems to have 5 wires running to it, 1 goes to the super lock box but unplugging it dosent seem to have any effect it still starts ok
2 more wires seem to go to the fuse box but might just being using it as a junction box and the last 2 run back to the ecu,
starting with the NATS unplugged allows the engine to run for about 5 seconds and then stop whist flashing the check engine light


so it all still starts and runs perfectly with at least 75% of the loom disconnected


where l am trying to get to is to have the engine running on the bench with the smallest possible amount of wiring, engine loom and half a dozen other wires l hope