k10 1.2 black super S stripping ?


Ex. Club Member
well in conjunction to the other!!

if afterlot of attention. and i manage to actually get hoome. i still decide that the car is too badly damaged that i decide to strip.

would ANY one be interested in any thing !!! ???

if prices are right and i can get a good k10 i may well strip ne ways

leave names below. but unfortunatly it is auction not dibs on ne thing!!!

so highest bidder wins.. NO DIBS

You will get home! If not call George an tell him his welding is pants lol! If you need bits when you are at mine tomorrow you are welcome to bits and bobs matey!!

salvage time :p

shall have a looksee :p

but doubt there will be ne thing that i can get in to the car
it gonna be full as it is :p