Impedance Importance



Are there any implications of running speakers of lower impedance than the output of amp/stereo? My output is 4ohm, and i have four 4 ohm speakers, but want to have two sets of 2 speakers arranged in parallel. The trouble with this is that when you have two 4ohm speakers in parallel the total impedance is 2ohm. Will that cause a prob? Thanks

What are you outputting from? Headunit or amp?

If the specs say 4ohm minimum load, then do not go lower.....

However most external amps are 2ohm stereo stable.
I'm outputting from an h/u that says 4ohm(actually, it doesn't say anything, but it's written on it). I'll just have to put them in series.
okay, cheers for your help. I've now replaced my door speakers in my k10 with nice shiny new ones and i've wired in some 6x9s in the back. Do all k10 only have two speakers? i've had to use chocolate block to wire the new back ones in (plus i had to replace the stereo) which was a bummer, cuz now when i get a new(er) stereo i'll have to cut the plug off the back, or get an ISO adapter and cut the end of that. Either way it's hassle :(
Current and heat dissipation is what fries components usually. Putting a load that is too small onto an amp output will cause it to try and provide too much current (if you half the impedance for the same voltage you have 4x as many watts), same as if you double the impedance your 40watt amp into 4 0hms will really only now be be providing 10 watts!
