how do you remove vinyls? e.g. the 1.0l bit?


Ex. Club Member
Anyone know how to remove the micra vinyl on the boot without damaging the paint work? Ive heard tales of using a petrol soaked rag and scrub but i dont want to take the paint with it!
Do a search bud as this has been covered before, but you can use a hairdrier to heat the stickers and peel them off.
There's a basic guide on the website stated in my sig below, it'll be developed with more details asap

If anyone has anyother tried and tested techniques let me know so I can add them.

hahaha first proper plug
petrol wont melt paint, unless its very new paint. thinners will tho, so be careful... hairdryer is best bet tho
i did mine in the recent heatwave we had, peeled off no problems, i imagine the bump strips would have also.