Honeycomb plates


Fear me, for I am Onibaku
I went looking for some honeycomb plates yesterday, asked at halfords if they could get them in, but I was told they're now illegal. Anyone know if this is true? Or was the sales assistant just talking out of his arse?

id say its probably true, regulations are really tight about licence plates, so they should IMO. honeycomb can make them harder to read at night.
If you did have honeycombs on and were pulled for them, then you would only get a vehicle rectification notice for them, I think it costs a fiver at an mot station to sort it.
I dunno Ian, is it actually an endorsable offence to have a honeycomb on ?
And Rich, a honeycomb plate is supposed to refract the flash from a speed camera making it unreadable.
i wouldnt have thought the honeycomb its-self, just more like the fact your trying to hide your plate. Technically you could go through a camera and now have your plate shown. But generally it doesnt work with computer enchancement.
Actually I just wanted the honeycomb plate for rear lighting the numberplate, so I can de-### the car.

As a side note, anyone know if ghost plates are still legal? Or did they close that little loop-hole?