Help with back seats


» CMF Member
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I was wondering if anyone can help with my little disaster, well this happened about 3 months ago, I was just changing the oil which went quite sucessfully but i did the most stupid thing after that, left the oil bottle with about 1.5litres left in the back boot and it accidently opened while i was driving and ruined the back seats, and the smell is soo bad.

The Smell is now sorted and is back to normal but i had to remove the back seats of the car. btw my car is a 1994 Micra Super S in black. and i noticed the back seat layout is a little different to my little 1996 Micra 1.0 shape. the bottom part of the seats pull up not like the one in my 1.0, or my 1996 SR. I have been looking to buy second hand replacement seats for a long time but id like help in which cars i can salvage them off? Or does the SR, or any other seats fit? Im so confused. the SR seats need brute force to pull out but my super s has a little handle to pull the seats towards the front seats. i like the idea but replacing is proving difficult.

Thanks if anyone can help with my seats prob.