help please

hi all im new here, sorry if post is in wrong section, couldnt figure out where it should be but desperate for some help.

i have just brought my partner a l reg 1.3 automatic nissan micra for her first car, this car had a snapped gear linkage cable so i got it cheap, anyway i have replaced the cable but have a problem.
the car selects park,reverse & neutral. however it doesnt appear to lock into drive or ds? i can select ds but the gear lever will simply push from there to d and neutral? wont drive in d tho, seems to be missing it and ive looked everywhere but cant figure out why
sounds a bit weird. i personally know nout about automatic gearboxes so cant reeli comment. im sure theres some lads with automatics on here tho and theres alot of em with expert knowledge. wait a while and im sure theres someone who can answer the question and if not try searching and there might be a previous post about the same problem. welcome to the club(Y)