Halloween preps...

OK as normal am heading down to my sisters for Halloween as my nieces and nephew love a good a party, am looking for costumes and have found this :


What do you think or can anyone come up with any better ?

My girlfriend is thinking of...


I know it may seem a little early as 5 weeks away but dont want to be left with the dregs of the costumes as it means so much to the kids and always have a blast....

Excited already :D
:D :D :D :D
Lol if your into that kinda thing, always best to get in early! Ems and i saw a halloween costume for a dog yesterday ---

It wasnt this one, but just as bad!!

I was thinking of going as napoleon dynamite! grown my hair a bit longer, get it permed and borrow my dads old glasses. :D :D

I think holloween is ok but I hate it when kids turn up with a black bag on wanting money!

Errr. anyway yeah - costume - very good :D liking it.
sod halloween...../\ she's hot....come to my house dressed like that and you will deffinately get a treat!!..lol


godda be the grim reaper about 8ft tall..lol