Going Lower... help?

so i got my micra lowered on 35's... but i would like to cut a coil or 2 of this, alot of people are "wiring" thier springs into place how do you do this? why do you do this? hasd anyone had a bad experience doing this? also whats the panhard rod all about has anyone ran low without this and not had any problems? i dont have a clue i know the springs can become un captive when jacked but can this happen when driving to? or can i just cut them and it will be fine in the car without wiring (i dont mind changing for mot) and the ajustable panhard rod?
you would have to drill holes into the spring perches to wire them, but many lowering springs have a bit of preload still, but you would need to remove them to assess how many coils you could cut (and stay captive)
I'm down about 100mm at the back and haven't even changed my panhard rod.

It might crab? I don't really care, she's slammed.