Failed Wishbone? Will pay money for your broken ones.

Hi guys,

Just wondering if anyone has broken a K11 wishbone? My dissertation is focusing on the weakness in the wishbone (mostly for rally applications) and as part of the research it would would be great to compare my test results to ones which have failed on a car.
Happy to pay postage and something for your effort :)

All the best and thanks in advance,


Maybe something like this?
bent K11 wishbone background cut out.jpg
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my mams primera has one with play and if goes to plan im breaking it tomorrow?

Thanks mate but im looking for ones which have failed due to bending or fatigue really, if it turns out to be more than bush or ball joint wear then I may be interested. Also really it needs to be micra but let me know what you find :).
i forgot about this :/ primera gone to scrap but we just got a punto into work that hit a bus track rod is like a banana ill see what the arms like for you :)
Just removed one today. Wishbone was 2 year old, balljoint was 2 month old. New balljoint just wasnt a tight enough fit so failed mot on play. I tried a better circlip so it seems like there isnt much play but i still replaced it
Thanks mate but looking for bent ones :)
Ta anyway!