Bout time I said Hi


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Hi all, I'm Josh

Been driving me 1.3lx since i passed in april. Awesome little car :p
I'm a motorsport engineering student, having completed the certificate and diploma, I'll be starting my degree later this month. Been to a few race events with my college with our formula Renault. Unreliable at hell but a legend none the less (Y)

I'd like to do more to the micra but being a student, the most I've accomplished is the sound system, 1.6 airbox and a grill. One day I WILL get that turbo :grinning:

Well that's all from me, hope all you guys are well and I look forward to more of the msc with you all

Welcome :)

Can you not convice the college/uni that modifying your car would be good experience for everyone there...what with motorsport course and all.
Student car's aren't allowed in the workshop anymore :( but you can change a cheeky tire in a late evening. And we've already got enough to modify :grinning: still working on a 1974 Van Diemen with a 1.6 mk2 golf engine with bike carbs