Alloys + Widearching


Ex. Club Member
Yes, another topic about alloys, sorry guys. Basically i got some 14" alloys afew weeks ago after waiting ages to get some on my car, problem is they're so wide they scrub on full lock and are just within the arches of the car. I have some 10mm spacers and im just wonderin if it'd be worth it to get some arches stuck on?

Ideally i'd like to get Super S bumpers on first but they are so damn hard to find. Personally i would go for the riveted kind of arches Antony has as i like the look, would these be easy to remove and stick back on when i do get hold of the bumpers? Or should i hold out untill i get the bumpers first?

Money's not too much of an issue (obviously within reason), and i can survive with the scrubbing for a while, but it is a problem i'd like to fix.
Nope on the front, they are basically in line with the arches.

I dont really fancy rolling the lip out (if I'm thinking what your thinking) as IMO it wont look all that good and with my panel beating experiences, would just turn out crap
Ahh i get you, that wont be beneficial. Basically by law your wheels must be covered by arches, unless your turning of course, and by sticking spacers on, they will be sticking out too far.
huh? confused now. I just mean you roll the inner lip out of the way, the wings would still cover the wheels and you would not need spacers?
Erm, hold on... do you mean the spats inside the wheelarch? lol im gettin confused now too :S...
rob, you could put some negative camber on the front, to pull the top of the wheels inwards (and cure the understeer ;))
you mean, fit the spacers WITH the arches ?
like this:

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but why is it illegal to have wheels sticking out from the arches?

Cause then people would have them sticking out crazy amounts and people/dogs etc would get caught in them more easily if you hit them iirc.
AHHH! i see lol, thats what i was thinking at first. Noooo they're not rubbing there lol, they're rubbing on the inner part of the arch. If they were rubbing on the arch wouldn't it cause the tyres to just get shredded?

And Scouse Boy, its illegal because the wheels are a moving part and by law all moving parts of a car need to be covered. Not fully sure of the logic behind it but it sort of makes sense.