Wheel skirts?




I don't know the right word for this thing.


My question is, is it easy to put this things on my micra?
I have orderd them, but i really don't know how to fit it.

And what do you people think, would it look nice at my car?

They are called Mud guards, should be fairly simple? Don't quote me on it though as i have never fitted them.
Okee mud guards. I from holland, that's why my english is not so perfect.

Thanks for the answer
yeah there easy to fit young'in, take you about 10 mins tops, im shure there just screws. nice to have you on board MSC :)
2 Screws on each. One top one bottom. If there are no holes in the bodywork already, drill them and use some bolts. I suspect the holes will be there, but the little metal things which the screws go into wont, so use bolts.

You'll have to drill holes in your new mud guards too, in the right places.

And yeah, they should look nice!
Thats easy, only a few screws.

Thank you for the answers.

Gr holland_micra