What is the sound deadening for?


Ex. Club Member
Is it for stopping things rattling, or is it for stopping road noise? Or a bit of both?

I notice people spending >£100 on Dynamat - where do you put that much and what does it stop?

its both really, it stops everythin shaking when youve got big bass and it deadens road noise. 100 quid wouldnt actually get you that much for the top name stuff. you can cover your whole interior in the stuff but most people do the front door cars boot floor maybe roof and rear quarters.
It's not really ideal for deadening road noise, for that you should use some thicker mat and put it on the floor pan.

Sound deadening is used to deaden the panels of metal to avoid ringing/vibration/resonance from the audio frequencies.

Ideally if you have upgraded to components at the front and a subwoofer setup, you should deaden the boot lid, and surrounding boot, along with the whole of the door. If you have the money, do the whole car.

It can also help to improve the SQ experianced within the vehicle, the frequency range and response, and improve the overall quality of audio for the people inside the car (and prevent people outside from hearing much of it).

There was a recent test of deadening products on a certain website (will try to find the link) and they found that Dynamat Extreme WAS NOT the best, even though it was the most expensive. There was a better product for less cost (again, the name escapes me). CAD (Car Audio Direct) will soon be selling this product in bulk packs, to reduce the cost even further!

I will be getting some when they do........
I was thinking about installing some sound deadening stuff in my car but I can't find what is actually rattling. the whole back end seems to be vibrating...
It also seems to stop the "tinny" effect in doors. And it makes a nicer sound when you close the door. My whole car is soundproofed with flashing tape which does a similar job, but maybe doesn't work as well as dynamat as it isn't as thick. Still makes a difference though. :)