Volt Gauge




I am looking for something to tell me how much power or volts or whatever, my car is using.

Something to tell me the power consumption.

What do i need and where do i connect it to?

can i get a standard multimeter and hook it up to the car sumwhere??

Ammeter isn't a simple job at all. It otherwise means routing high current through the passenger compartment or installing a shunt and expensive meter.

Having an ammeter and voltmeter won't really let you see the electrical power you are using anyway. What do you want to know for?
whats an ammeter and whats a voltmeter?
running the wires into the dash is easy, where under the bonnet does it hook-up to.
Ok, you don't know what an ammeter or a voltmeter are, but you want to know how much power your car is using? I don't see the point.

Running the wires for an ammeter isn't easy at all. You need to run very thick power cables into the dash, and it need to be done well because any problems will mean you car won't work, and could easily start a fire.
Get yourself a brax voltmeter. Two wires, plug it into the same circuit as the cigar lighter, takes 3 seconds & Job's a goodun.

Mike i think is arranging a group buy in buy and sell.
Arnold, Andrew has a point but you seem to be missing it! If winstonerogers doesnt know what they are there for, you need to find out what he is trying to do, so you can offer correct advice.
Ed said:
you need to find out what he is trying to do,

winstonerogers said:
I am looking for something to tell me how much power or volts or whatever, my car is using.

He may not know what they do currently, but when he finds out, that nice little gadget should meet his requirements

Winstonerogers. A voltmeter will tell you how many volts are running through you car. When the car's running, i believe its around 14V (as its on charge), when you kill the engine, it will drop to 12 approx and continue to drop. When it gets below a certain voltage, you'l be unable to start the car. The meter will tell you exactly how many volts you have left
Some info.....this might be gobblgiegook for some, but could be manner from heaven for others........

Batteries store 'CHARGE'.The bigger the battery, the more charge it can store. Charge is measured in 'Coulombs' or 'AMP-HOURS' (amps x hours).

Because of the chemistry inside the battery, electrons (charge) that were in the acid and the lead plates are moved, and stored (held) in the opposing Lead plates.

This 'DIFFERENCE' in charge between opposing plates can be thought of as the 'electrical pressure or force' or 'VOLTAGE'. Voltage is 'the ammount of ENERGY on each unit of CHARGE' (Joules per coulomb)

If something conductive is connected accross the battery terminals, the charge (electrons) will flow from the high pressure (high voltage) terminal to the low one. This flow of charge is the 'CURRENT' and measured in amps. Current is the 'RATE of FLOW' of charge. (coulombs per seccond)

POWER is 'voltage multiplied by the current' and tells you the 'RATE that you are converting ENERGY' (joules per seccond) from electrical energy in to all of the other types of energy.

The difficulty with measuring power is that; in a car, energy is being converted in various directions at different times. when the engine is off it is from battery to the load. When the engine starts the battery becomes part of the load supplied by the alternator...untill it is topped up..

Voltage can be measured from 'ACCROSS' the battery terminals easily (Arnolds method will be the best for this) this can give you usefull info on the how healthy your battery and alternator are.
But Current 'THROUGH' the circuits is a real difficulty ( Ed explained why)

Hope this description is usefull for some....sorry for spellings as usual.....;-S