Trico Neoform Beam Blade Wiper Group Buy


Online Trader
Official MSC Trader
Hi All

We have been stocking Trico Neoform wiper blades for a little while now and we have had great feedback from customers as well as most of the staff here, even our families are using them because they are so good. Everyone has reported that they are the best wipers they have ever used. They aren’t cheap though. Well, not from anyone else. Even on Ebay they are £30+ a set and main dealers are charging silly prices (£25+ a blade).

More info on them here

We would like to offer you a group buy discount on these, with the discount increasing for the number of people signing up. Remember, the discounts shown below are in addition to your normal 10% and we are already the cheapest I have found.

20 people = Additional 10%

30 people = Additional 20%

So if we can get over 40 of you interested that’s 30% off retail!!

Use the link below to find out which blades you need for your Micra and for any other cars that you may have

I’ll leave this group buy open for a week and then give you a discount code which will give you the relevant discount. Unfortunately, you will need to pay postage.

Happy shopping

Cheers Team.