This weekends homework


» CMF Member
Member since:
Nice, not only does he go out and get his practice in on the weekend, but he also sweeps the driveway, mowes the lawn and does the edges, cuts back the hedges, touches up the paint on the fence, AND has a quick chat to the nerdy neighbour...

But the missus still won't be happy, he forgot the milk and the gas for the BBQ...


» CMF Member
Member since:
id be happy with just being able to use a place like that to drive!! its hard finding places for that kinda **** round where i live. took the rally car/ thrasher to a mates workshop which has like that slippery concrete floor. wet it and did some laps SOO much fun, however the landlord started to pick up on it after there was a thick rubber track marked out around the pillars and nearly got fined 6k to clean it up.... oops