The presidents new motor

as the most likely form of attack on the president, at present, would be a viechle-bomb or suicide-bomber with IED, i can see no real use for this admittedly awesome piece of kit. the mini-gun shown in that video fires around 2000 rounds per minute, and has no real means of sighting, meaning it is effectively an area suppression weapon - putting as much lead in the general direction of the enemy as possible..

now, given the Americans well-known indifference to 'friendly-fire' incidences, and the secret services unwillingness to cooperate with other federal agencies, let alone forign goverments etc - plus the well known guriella tactic of 'hide behind the civilian to inflict maximum casualties' - it seems a bit silly to me for them to be tooling up with such serious weaponry - from their own track record there just gonna end up slaughtering there own people, or worse ~ ours!.
Nice gun....wrong vehicle. o_O

as the most likely form of attack on the president, at present, would be a viechle-bomb or suicide-bomber with IED, i can see no real use for this admittedly awesome piece of kit. the mini-gun shown in that video fires around 2000 rounds per minute, and has no real means of sighting, meaning it is effectively an area suppression weapon - putting as much lead in the general direction of the enemy as possible..

now, given the Americans well-known indifference to 'friendly-fire' incidences, and the secret services unwillingness to cooperate with other federal agencies, let alone forign goverments etc - plus the well known guriella tactic of 'hide behind the civilian to inflict maximum casualties' - it seems a bit silly to me for them to be tooling up with such serious weaponry - from their own track record there just gonna end up slaughtering there own people, or worse ~ ours!.

here here.... (Y)

from their own track record there just gonna end up slaughtering there own people

grr ...yeah, about 3500...... R.I.P. :down:

That warmonger has made a Rod for his own back by continually goading other countries. Why nobody has shot Bush yet is beyond all reasoning but it's more than likely to do with the fact that the little regime he's supposedly the leader of looks after their own....:devil:

Meh, i'll probably get a visit from the secret police now... :laugh: