silver micra

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hi people one of my mates off another forum needs to find out the owner / person who was driven this car and this is what he said

ok silver micra ng51hft
please note and recite
this may well be stolen?
not too sure but total idiot driving it,
hand breaking outside my house, unfortunatly i wasnt in at the time only my lass.
if someone on here knows this lad please let me know his address.

if your the driver please give me a knock number 31! and yes it is my bm you almost wiped out.

fao admin
please dont delete or edit as i need answers

if this car is known where and when can i find it?

if any one can help it would be very helpful
i dont think anyone on this site drives a 51 plate silver micra. That would be a k11 wouldnt it?
if it had tinted windows, it is generally parked in the estate opposite temple park, thats a fairly new one but not sure if its 51 reg. but he drives like an ass
yeh iv seen him to pasrked up outside at house just opposite the john reid road he is a total ###
Stop Snitchin! Let the police do its job & let nature/ fate take its place - the accused will in time be made to feel sorry & realise the errors of his ways

MICRA.ORG isnt a police institution
Raja, please keep your eastern preachings to yourself.
Perhaps a quiet word is better than ringing the police, sometimes its far more effective, and usefull nowdays :S
DITO to dusk's post.

Snitching raja? Do you have a guilty concience about the way you drive or something? If someone drives like an ass, then they deserve to be caught, and if 'snitching' is the way then so be it, insurance premiums are high because of people like this.
its on the harton moor estate, if you go down the john reid road mate you'll c it.i think its parked outside the flats.
lmao @ snitching. if you would prefer this idiot to remain on the road and crash into your car, go for it.
i reality, you hit someone for that. Then you have an assault charge on your hands and they have done nothing wrong . Not really a wise decision, after all you can't prove in caught that they were doing what you claim by word alone.
This thread is a JOKE.

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