Scrap yards in machester


Robin Cooper

Hi there, i have looked on the dearch for scrap yards in manchester but can not find were they are i remember some one saying that there are two next to each other, any one know were they are?
Hi mate,

Seeing as you're in Nantwich have you tried Dixies or Northwich Metal? They are both behind the Salt Barge pub in Marston, Northwich. Dixies is dirt cheap and if he's still there the old boy was a right laugh! The guys in Northwich Metal are a little more expensive, but still nowhere near the prices that the somewhere like Car Transplants in Crewe would charge. Northwich Metal is pretty big too and when I was last there they had quite a good selection of cars.

Hope this is useful,

Hi there, i have looked on the dearch for scrap yards in manchester but can not find were they are i remember some one saying that there are two next to each other, any one know were they are?

Gorton lane, Gorton just East of the city centre, there's actually three together, one of which specialises in Jap cars another has mainly Jap and the other is mixed stuff. There's loads of Micras in them at the moment.
Thanks alot, will try the ones in norhtwich tonihgt and manchester on fri afternoon after work, thanks alot for the help guys.