Ques about the Air filter


» CMF Member
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Hi to all!
I was wondering what type of air filter do you put in your micras?
The question came because when i bought my first filter it was this type: http://i00.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/349232652/AIR_FILTER_NISSAN_MICRA_K12_OEM_16546.jpg
This filter comes with a metal bracket build in it.
But the second one i just bought is this type: http://www.japancars.ru/thumbs.img?imgID=1265660
Without the metal surrounding.And i went to a few shops and they offered me some other MAKE`s that did not have the plate ether but they all where for K11.
On the nissan EPC there is a separate code for this Plate : http://www.japancars.ru/cat/nissan/secimg.php?ext=BB1&idx=81&id=860161&s=0.75
Code-16571P PLATE
And i was wondering is there K11 with a separate Plate or the filter just Has to be with build in bracket,because without the plate(bracket)the filter box can not push the filter to properly seal.
My car is 96` 1.0GX

Thank`s for reading! :)