Project carMi is dead!


Ex. Club Member
well my car is gonna cos abit to fix and tbh, ive had it a year and its never moved! (got it july, passed in november, no money to get it fixed) its done about 7 mile, if that in the time ive had it!, spend weeks on this but now the crossmember etc is shot and the time ive had it, i cant be arsed with it. i want a 1.3 super s in the summer but for now, i may be buyin a 1992, Mk3 ford fiesta for £130 as a project me n me uncle is doing. 82.000 on the clock, sweet engine n interior, bodywork need sortin but nowt major (as bad as the micra bits that need doing!). so hopefully pickin it up this afternoon, but ill still stick around if thats ok, cos im gettin a super s wen i get on me feet (just got a new job, so my finances are all over) so ill leave it at that for now, cheers for all the help on me micra but im just gonna sell it, probs ebay it!