

» CMF Member
Member since:
Oh bugger have my hope up there
"Supported ECUs added
27th of October, 2010

P11 Primera SR20DE and later model K11 CG10DE/CG13DE ECUs have been added to the supported Type 4 board listings"

Wonder why i said that on their update?



» CMF Member
Member since:
the pre-facelift may well run ok with the facelift ecu (or type 4 ga16 one ?), but all of our f/l models have nats, and the nats wiring/pinout is slightly different and you have to switch some pins around i think


» CMF Member
Member since:
Yes, im using it for more than a year, worked on the first time. And they updated the site because i told Matt to do so, so many Micra owners that need it. And we discovered some more ECU maps to alter, no more cut-outs at 7300rpm...

And i started to use it on my '99 1.0 LX, but now im using it on my '97 1.3 SR, the second pre-facelift uses the same ECU system as facelifts (dont know how it is on AUS Micras?).


» CMF Member
Member since:
Type4 - Pre-Facelift2 and Facelift1 (normal sized ECU's eg. S14a, etc)(20pin+30pin, but only 40pins are used)
Type5 - Pre-Facelift1 (half-sized ECU's eg. N14, etc)(the ECU's that can take the GRID boards)(20pin+20pin)

The daughterboard size doesnt matter, just the ECU board size, and i discovered that Type4 could work on K11 Facelift because the ECU is very similar to S14a ECU. And the board types are easily discovered just by watching the ECU's, each type of Nissan ECU is distinct of the other (but can be similar on different Nissan's, thats why each type of board can work on several cars).