Nissan Heaven Inside.


In case you haven't already seen this:

Sneek Peek:

I want to live there!
Is this owned by Nissan or is it private?
If the second the owner must be rather pennyfull.
It's owned by Nissan and that "garage" is a prison for awesome cars, the only people that are allowed inside are Nissan employees and even then you'd be lucky..... Oh how I would kill to have a good look at the march k10 march cup car
theres something the same for renault in france and it has one unit from every model of vehicle ever made under the main factory... all undriven and un-used without oil or anything literally rolled into there.... it has everything from renault 5 gt turbos rally cars to lorry cabs haha is an awesome place im guessing its just like the nissan one id love to goto something like this

also the renault one is a private collection
Wow well Nissan have got a nice collection there, shame there not used but good to see them kept.
Also there are a few videos from the same guy slideshows etc. it is on a playlist so let it run through the videos :p
