NISMO 4point Harness

hmm i doubt they are authentic becasue i got told that the "nismo harness pads" wer fake as they never made any and the place thats selling this item seems like a kind of chaved up store,lol.

Never the less they still look nice!
OMG just seen the seat belt clasp in the middle, i dont think i could write down how much i am laughing right now.

nothing wrong with the clip in the centre..willans use the same style and they are alot easier to use

deffiantly not nismo though,keep away
its the fact they have rock climber clips instead of being bolted down to the chassiss... its worse than those harnesses that you can unclip to get people into the back of your car....
the desing of them are "quick release" harnesses as i have seen other named brands using the same desing..and that middle buckle is not nasty as i have that on my 4 point sparcos!
the plane style buckle won't pass an MOT, they need to be easily releasable by emergency services.

Also, the ring bolts and clips is the same method of mounting my E-Marked harnesses used.

Edit: I've just spotted what I think Mike was referring to, the clasp that releases the harnesses from the rear mount, I would NOT trust that at all.