Mobile Phones


Ex. Club Member
Im after a mobile phone, anything considered, preferably after a Sony Ericsson P800, must be in good condition.

i have 2 cups joined on a bit of string, really modern n that

Nah but seriously, i probably have a few nokia 3310 or whatever they were lying around
i had a good one, joystick stopped working for the second time, and then o2 told me they cant fix it, and its my fault cos the sed it has been treated badly, when it hasnt. So now im stuxck with a phone that the joystick doesnt work, so i cnt really do much with it. Least it will save me money on my phone bills :D
I have a 7250 unsure if its 7250i or not but same looking phone if your interested. Was monthly billing till i got upgrade 4 months ago on vodafone
