Micra parking issues resolved!

SR_Micra_Boy said:
Who says micras cant get into small spaces! :devil: :laugh:

damn i still cant see any pictures.
is there a problem with the activation or something?
yes this lil project should get some attention at JAE..
cant wait to see it finished.... even if i too useless to help with it much lol
i have already registered myself.
How do i become an official member ?
is there a membership fee i have to pay or something?
yea if you go to what i think is www.micra.org.uk/join it should give u all the details
you have to be a paid member to see the pictures and aslo will see a lot more in the way of threads as there are sections which only official members can see.
Read the join page and it will give u a lot more info on benefits of membership
not gonna be a BBQ is it?

I could never do that to any of my cars. I wouldnt have the heart. I'd sooner give it to someone that wil look after it.
Yus, 3 of them lifted the car onto its side while them and others helped shift it round so it was up against the wall, was also up on its other side at one point....