Micra On air?

Air ride is usually hugely expensive, the cheapest i've seen is around £2200ish (fitting it all yourself). Why not go for coilovers? they'd be better (imo), and cheaper
Air ride is usually hugely expensive, the cheapest i've seen is around £2200ish (fitting it all yourself). Why not go for coilovers? they'd be better (imo), and cheaper
This. And well, bags are for groceries not modified cars...
Go coils, I'd say, but a Micra on air would be fresh.
I just like the fact that you change ride height for speed bumps and **** road from inside the car on a controller :L and you can go **** low on air as well :')
To be fair, most mods can't be justified on cost, it's a hobby for us after all. Before I got married, bought a house, had kids etc, I spent all my disposable money on cars because a: I could and b: I wanted to.
Each to their own

signature...please ignore anything I say...when using my phone it is either bad grammar or rubbish spelling.