How shocked was i

got a txt off an old friend of mine, he moved away from rochdale and aint seen much of him for abit. we more or less grew up together threw school etc...

anyway i got a txt from him asking if i was at home and he wanted to show me his car which he told me was a new shape corsa.

when he came i couldnt see a corsa and assumed he had parked behind the bushes because he was embarrased he had a corsa but instead he points his alarm fob towards a 1993 toyota celica in red. this is his first car and he got it yesterday. he passed me the keys and siad he trusts me. i was like a small child in a sweet shop. Celicas rock on the motorway...... more so when mr Chav in his vtr thinks he was funny :wasntme:
my mates are the has an evo 6 and the other has a civic type r..they just let there passengers drive them home from JAE because we all had hangover..

nobody can drive my car with the seat i have in lol
Im covered third party on any car i drive :)

Allways nice to know if i need to i can drive any one of my mates cars,

And also i am t-total most of the time, (only ever drink when im at home at 11 or later when i wont be going out till the next evening at the earliest). Means i get to play taxi :p

Not likely. Most insurance companies wont insure you on any car untill you have hit 25. Nor will your insurance cover any driver just like that. I think he mislead you and probably has no idea of what cover he really has.
I was under the impression thats what i was covered as,

I will check my documents and things when i get home.

My friend's paretn's had a policy that covered any river under 21 with permission, not a fan of uninsured drivers myself though...
Im not a big fan of uninsuranced drivers either, theres plenty of them in rochdale. hells theres probably loads on my street. from what i know the policy covers any driver. i doubt his dad would say it does if it doesnt, been some high up police jobby guy.. i have no idea what he does.