Hi all

Hi frank

Does it really come undone with the drive shafts attached? I have the front wheels on bricks, not wood, assuming the wheels need to move a little. Would a prise it apart with a flat blade screwdriver?

Cheers Mike

yes, i had to resort to hitting a big flat screwdriver down the join :laugh: .
once its 3 or 4" clear, the box will drop to the floor, a speedbrace and long extension is very handy (thro the wheelarch) for the clutch bolts or f/w bolts (if needed) btw


no probs, careful with that clutch arm, when refitting, there were 2 poxy clips on my thrust race that would fall off at will

Not good

Got clutch on, but can't get box back on. Apparently the splash plate is catching on a drive shaft, and the drive shafts need to be removed. Got a mechanic helping. Are we sure this is a good technique?


it worked for me, the last 5 times :confused: (got it down to about 2hrs on the last one)
if you dont get the angle of the dangle right, a g/box is a bitc# to get on, on most cars
I heard that!

Frank, its an unbelievable ****, to get it back on. Have aborted for now. My mechanic neighbor says he come back in the morning. He's on about undoing a hub for more movement! I've got the starter out and one part of the gear linkage off. Also, the cross member is disconnected at the back, but its attached to whatever it is, just forward of the two bolts holding the back of the cross member. The box will move back and forth, but not left and right. But, damn it gets close! We've just been constantly jacking up and down getting nowhere!! Have to admit, the only thing supporting the engine, is the car's scissor jack. Been jacking the engine up and down too.

Having a beer now, so cheers to you. Hopefully tomorrow, I can report success.

Thank you.


when you take the rear mount off, the back of the engine drops down at a mad angle, if you dont jack it back up level, there,s probably no chance
i put in the guide, to take the x member front bolts only out, and let it drop a bit, iirc
must admit tho, i averaged 5 or 10 minutes of humping and swearing when lining mine up :laugh:
Hi Frank

Been heaving and swearing all day, can't do no humping;), the missus is about to give birth, next week:)
Seriously, this is beyond belief. It came out ok, you'd think it'd be easy going back, or as easy??
Thank you

Modded Micra

do you have it bolted to engine then bolting to car or the other way around?

Hi there. Are you meaning the x member? Its unbolted from the car, but still bolted to the engine.

Hi moddedmicra

I'm trying to upload a couple of pics. Imagehosting is as useless as ever.
I dropped the front mount and the front of the x member, and then did the rear.


Baby cheer

Hi all, I had to stop stressing with the k11 and get my missus to hospital. C section later and my daughter and 2 sons have a sister. Now I got 2 of each.

My mechanic carried on regardless, and has got the drive shafts ready to come out. Looks like he's going that route.

Me, I'm going by bus:sick: I can't stand bus services. The drivers are arrogant and their driving is quite reckless. They cut services left right n center, then go on strike over pay.

Will need to find a new set of wheels, gonna need 7 seats now. No more kids tho, gotta stop there;)
