Help please!! possible head gasket gone!!

hi there i cleaned my exspansion bottle out th other day becuase the water was lookin minging!!! took it for a drive and it drove fine for about 15mins then over heated!! i stopped it soon as a saw this happening and rralised the water was bubling out of the radiator into the exspansion bottle, i have checked the oil and theres no sighn of water in there still runs fine just keeps on doin it. i no this is possibly a heead gasket blown but didnt no if i have done somthink wrong when fillin the water levels back up? i always keep it topped up on good oil and water and it hasnt done a silly amount of miles so i hope its not a head gasket and ideas people!?!?!?
It could just be an air lock in the cooling system. I don't know the correct way of getting it out for Micra's, though. On the old Pinto powered Ford Sierra you just left the top off the spanny bottle and topped it up until it stopped going down after emptying/flushing the cooling system.
yeah hopefully it is i was talkin to a mecanic eailier and he was on about usin an airline somehow and pushin the water around up to pressure
just tried trickling water into exspansion bottle no luck the minite it gets up tempreture seems to fill expsainsonm bottle up straight away and keep on going intil theres nuthing in radiantor? took the thermo stat out and is workin fine but left it out anyway to keep a good flow around it! seems to be a bit damp in the exhuast tail pipe aswell????? help!!