Help Haltech F5


» CMF Member
Member since:
here come the questions i got this setup the one thats painted red i under stand a few members have used this setup just wondering where the black top clip goes looks like an injector clip? the blue one goes on the injector in the t/b? the two red lights where and what do they go on to? and where did you tap into the fuel to feed the injector? does anyone have any pics i looked everywhere thanks


» CMF Member
Member since:
The F5 loom has two injector plugs to suit different types of injectors, you only need to use one. I just used a t-piece into the main fuel line for fuel feed to the injector.


» CMF Member
Member since:
One's probably to let you know that the unit is on and functioning, and i'm pretty sure the other one lights up when it hits the preset boost pressure and the additional injector is switched on.

The T-piece and everything is still there, just has to be hooked up to the fuel feed.



» CMF Member
Member since:
thanks dens its all there packed nicely i didnt wana ring on a sunday so i put up the help post. theres three wires red with fuse= power black=earth and brown??? does anyone know where this one goes?


» CMF Member
Member since:
Signal is taken from the dizzy output. I will see if I can dig up the wiring diagram alex b gave to me when I bought it off him. Otherwise check the haltech website, you can still get info from them. If its not on the site, email them they're very helpfull.


» CMF Member
Member since:
No luck finding the wiring diagram, It may have gone with the unit when I originally sold it, can't remember it was a while ago. I'm fairly sure alex got it by emailing haltech.


» CMF Member
Member since:

From what it says it runs off the negative lead off the ignition coil. To my understanding this is the blue wire coming out of the coil/dizzy that most people (including myself) tap into for using a tacho from. I'm sure if you want to find images of where it is (if you can't see it on the dizzy) then there's bound to be something if you type in 'tacho' into the search in here.

Looks like the document has the details you're after.

That document was on the haltech site but it's since been removed possibly due to the other models taking precedence but either way I've saved a copy in the event that it's taken down on that host as well.
