Front swaybar?


» CMF Member
Member since:
Look stupid question! (I know)

Front swaybars? Is there any effect for them? I want to get my micra lower but this is the only problem I have! Unless I can get a mate of mine to custom make one for me so it doesn't drop as far down?

Please help!



» CMF Member
Member since:
Well from what i understand, the function of the FRONT swaybar is to aid in body roll of course, but mostly it stops the rear end getting a bit adventurous mid-corner.
I imagine it would give you some very unpredictable/unstable driving experiences, resulting in major understeer before the rear end loses traction gives and tries to overtake you
You don't want that in an 800kg matchbox.
Don't take my word for it though. I'm a little more familiar with RWD cars. It works in different ways depending on the drivers desired output.

The front bar is connected directly to the lower control arm from memory. Is that right?
Any pics of where it is (or will be) fouling?


» CMF Member
Member since:
Yeah it connects to the front lower control arms, and the rear in mine has the biggest swaybar you can get! And I have had only one incident where I spun out due to rain at a roundabout and no pics yet I'll try get some up