Big thanx



Big thanks to this site for saving me a heap of money and my K11 from the scrap man. Been having a few running probs lately, black smoke, crap tickover, mpg in gallons per mile and generally crap running.

I checked absolutely everything trying to fathom what the problem was. It got to the point where I was about to pronounce the Super S dead at the scene. :down:

Then I remembered this site. A quick search turned up the peice on throttle bodies. Hmm thinks I. :suspect:

10 mins with a soldering iron later and the Mighty Micra gets its stuff back. Good mpg, lots of go and a big fat grin back on my face.

Massive thanks to the people who set up this site and its technical contributors.

technical contributers would be every1 who is on here i think lol , glad youre sorted mate,