Anyone seen/heard this before?


Club Member
Dear Stani1029.

Your video ????? ?? ??? ??? might be eligible for the YouTube Partnership Program, which allows you to make money from playbacks of your video.

Making money from your video is easy. Here's how it works: First sign into your YouTube account. Then, review and complete the steps outlined ?????????????????????????????????????????????????

If your video is approved, we'll start placing ads next to the video video and pay you a share of the revenue as long as you meet the program requirements.

We look forward to adding your video to the YouTube Partnership Program. Thanks and good luck!

The YouTube Team

thought please. doesnt seem dodgy. btw i put the question marks in there lol
go for it stani, i had this come through on my flywheel balancing one last week (its when you hit a certain viewcount aint it ?)
Good to hear stani! This is just like you'v been framed, i better think of a good vid to post up:) wonder if the mighty mods boys know anything, they must have had a few hits eh.
i got that, but basically you get nothing. to make some real money you need to have videos that bring in millions of views. the idea is you get paid per click. so they stick one of those stupid anoying adverts over the top of your video and every time someone actually bothers to click on it you get like 1p so i didn't bother