Alot of loving on my car this week

wow this week i have done alot of stuff to my car i have been giving it it's TLC lol. i love my micra :love:

i have done:

i fitted power steering
i sanded and painted my centre consol cover
i put tights on my rear lights
cleaned all the mats gave it a good hoover
straped my sub down
and gave it a wash (but thats done reasonable often)

ill have pitures on some of them soon.

nice to see you showing a bit of enthusiasm but do me one favour and take the tights off, that has to be one of the worst things i have ever seen done to a car in terms of "modding"
one of the forums im on, one of the kids had a scooter and it was a dark red colour, he got some fishnet stockings, put them over the scooter and sprayed silver or something like that -anyways, came out with a kool effect but he took them off after - tights look turd
since ur car is black, i would smoke them...

clear lights on a black car doesnt look nice, in my opinion
hats wrong with the red ones,,the suit most car colours tbh and black imo is one of them

i will be tinting the ones on the 160sr though..