WTD: K11 3 door (phase 1 with the grille seperate to bonnet)

prefably, or ideally

a 1.0 or 1.3 ginger/bronze 3 door K11, in early phase :)

will condider any other colour except green (silly excuse I guess but bad luck runs in the family)

no rush on getting one, just keep loosing out on auctions (lost out on a 1.0 vibe on wednesday lol) for the bronze ones, so hoping someone knows of one for sale for a fixed price really.
budget is 400 at the moment, time goes by that will rise :)

hoping to get one with as little rust as possible, but I am expecting no minter for that price, + I have a Primera P10 so am used to rusty motors.

Thank you peoplezzz
edit.. don't mind any micra at all, be it k10 or a late k11, just pointing out that I would LOVE a bronze early phase K11 3door haha, sorry guys