WTB Sc12 supercharger


» CMF Member
Member since:
yeah i know thought maybe someone had brought one to put on a micra as i wanna do and then decided against it and wanted to get rid of it. Going a different route now

thanks anyways Dens

CMF_Micra Man

» CMF Member
Member since:
Hi Mike. Sure have. Surprised that it blew a head gasket after all this time.I would make double sure new head bolts are used , correct tension and say after 2 weeks are re tensioned.Coming back to Perth next month for keeps. Global financial meltdown has put paid to my job here.Export markets have dried up and company in deep ****e. Oh well one good thing plenty of crash hot deals re new cars . No trade,no finance required so I will drive a hard bargian. Funny have no sympathy for car salesmen.Maybe buy a newie maybe not.



» CMF Member
Micra Man WROTE:

"Hi Mike. Sure have. Surprised that it blew a head gasket after all this time.I would make double sure new head bolts are used , correct tension and say after 2 weeks are re tensioned.Coming back to Perth next month for keeps. Global financial meltdown has put paid to my job here.Export markets have dried up and company in deep ****e. Oh well one good thing plenty of crash hot deals re new cars . No trade,no finance required so I will drive a hard bargian. Funny have no sympathy for car salesmen.Maybe buy a newie maybe not.

Welcome back Dave, NOO, you cant have "Hack" back lol. Yeh all new headbolts/gaskets etc.
Be sure to phone me as soon as you get home.
