WANTED - Exhaust Gasket to use as template


» CMF Member
Member since:
Has anyone got an OLD or NEW exhaust gasket I can use as a template to have additional exhaust gaskets made from.

The last time I checked, Nissan wanted approx. A$25 for one (you need 2 when you change your exhaust) and I found a place in Sydney that said they will make them for approx. A$12 each.

Sure a A$12 saving is not a lot of money, but it's better in my pocket than the local Nissan dealers.

If anyone can help send me a PM.


» CMF Member
Member since:
I called in to see these folk today

Swansons Gaskets Pty Ltd
Unit 3/8 Leighton Pl Hornsby 2077
02) 9477 2427

with my extractors and they made me up a 1 piece exhaust gasket for $20.

So they now have a template for a 1 piece Nissan Micra exhaust gasket should anyone else want one.

Also, if they have something to work from like your old gasket, your head or engine block, they can manufacture many other different kinds gaskets.

So the next time you need that special thickness head gasket why not give them a call.
