southwest suggestion's.

I know i did a thread like this a while back but us southwest members really have to meet up again.

We all know we couldn't make the last 2 i tried to arrange because u was all working or busy so this is your opportunity to give me the following in which u think is best for a southwest meet i.e time-date-location.

i really want a monthly meet to happen so if we all pick a location that we are all happy with and central then i can sort it all out!

many thanks jason :)


Location: plymouth/exeter

date: end or begging of every month

time: daytime/7pm onwards
I'd go for a plymouth meet, but the occassional exeter one wouldn't be so bad.

As for timing, i think evenings would be best as i imagine it'd be less of a problem with people working and stuff.

So, plymouth, evenings.
exeter is ok for me, and i can do most weekends, but i would only know closer to the time...
Exeter or Plymouth for me, just depends on day and time!

i may not be able to make every south meet, but i will try if im available!!!

place: either
days+time: weekends; saturday....bout 5:00pm onwards / sunday any time really i guess
weekdays: plymouth only (unless stated) ; ....4:00 onwards

hope that helps!!!