should i keep...!!


» CMF Member
Member since:
Should i keep the Original Factory Rims with Tyres x 4, Factory Exhaust and Muffler...? because i got a new rims, exhaust and muffler...


» CMF Member
Member since:
Micra are worth very little now in general, the mods you do will be worth more than the car, so yeah do what I will be doing, keep all your stock parts, if you write it off or sell it, sell without any and all mods, it's the only way you will save any value in those parts.


» CMF Member
Member since:
thx... because i just got a 95 micra super s, and the last owner was gaven them (old parts) to me.. maybe i should keep them for the next owner..! i don't think they will worth much...!!


» CMF Member
Member since:
mycra WROTE:

"jeff8022 WROTE:

"Should i keep the Original Factory Rims with Tyres x 4, Factory Exhaust and Muffler...? because i got a new rims, exhaust and muffler..."</div>

keep them dude for your future road worthy..

but the car just pass the road worthy last week with the new parts on.. should still keep them..?


» CMF Member
Member since:
just keep them if u sell or want to sell ur after market stuff u always have ur stock stuff to put on... i own 5 cars and i have all the stock wheels and parts.. in case i sell or the after market things are broken ill put the stock stuff on till i buy the after market stuff again